Project Concept:
This project tasked me with developing a human-centered design focused on a current issue.
Project Description:
My project was focused on the issue of declining conservation funds for Colorado’s Parks and Wildlife. My solution to this issue was to inform residents of Colorado - who enjoy Colorado’s parks and wildlife - on how they can get personally involved in supporting conservation efforts. I focused this project on three different deliverable formats: an event deliverable, a volunteer app, and environmental designs.
Year of Completion:
Kind of Project:
Mobile App UX Design, Event Deliverable, Environmental and Print Poster Design
Commit to trash free trails
To take this project a step forward, the Commit To Trash Free Trails campaign is a print and environmental design system to be displayed throughout Colorado State Parks. Signs, infographics, and trash bag and glove dispensers are to be stationed at trail heads and park entrances. This system is meant to keep conservation management front of mind. Following the signs, trail posts, in-ground trash cans, and wrapped dumpsters will be posted throughout park trails.